Atomic Rulers
Atomic Rulers
| 10 April 1965 (USA)
Atomic Rulers Trailers

Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!


I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.

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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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An alien superhero called Starman is sent to Earth to avert nuclear disaster by the Galactic Council.Atomic Rulers of the World is an Americanised Japanese movie made by editing some Japanese TV episodes together. It follows the same template as other films made in this exact same way, like Evil Brain from Outer Space and Invaders from Space, both also from 1965. This one is probably the least good of the three, however, in that it lacks the interesting – and sometimes quite sinister – monsters from those other two films and instead seems more squarely aimed at a kiddie audience. This is made more abundantly clear by the appearance of some children in central roles. Starman himself is quite a fun character to be fair but he doesn't get involved with as much interesting action in this one and so this consequently is one mainly for die-hard fans of old Japanese sci-fi.

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Atomic Rulers of the World is a badly done Japanese children's serial that makes the later entries in the Godzilla series look like big budget epics. The Galactic Council (made up of some of the fakest looking robots you've ever seen) is concerned that if Earth gets into a nuclear war, the radiation could poison the entire galaxy. (Isn't space full of radiation anyway?) To prevent this catastrophe, they send the ultra powerful "Starman" to save Earth.The film suffers from a number of flaws, not the least of which being the producers' decision to insert a group of annoying orphans into the plot. At various points, the orphans show up to either help or be rescued by Starman. The young woman who looks after them is particularly cloying.At times, the film is just laugh out loud funny. For instance-a foreign country is planning to take over the world. Who do we call? (Aside from Starman, of course!) Why, the Tokyo police! Who else? Add to this some truly awful special effects, sub par for even B-level Japanese cinema, and you have the makings of a dubbed Plan 9 from Outer Space.

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Ken Utsui stars in his fourth and final outing as Starman, Japan's favorite fruity spandex clad superhero. This time he's out to stop the evil country of Magolia (no not Mongolia) from getting their hands on atomic weapons deadly enough to destroy the entire world. Unlike it's predecessors which featured lots of funny fighting and goofy effects, this flick plays like a third rate version of the George Reeves' Superman show (Starman's alter ego even dresses up like a mild mannered Oriental in a suit and fedora) and it's pretty dull to boot. There's also a lot of rigmarole with a bunch of snotty Japanese Little Rascals types that slow things down considerably as well. And instead of the goofy aliens in Evil Brain from Outer Space, all the villains in this one are a bunch of cheap thugs who are straight out of the forties. (And why is it that all those hired thugs are always dressed so impeccably in their dapper suits?) Anyway, die hard Starman fans (no not you Jeff Bridges enthusiasts out there) will want to check it out, but this one didn't nearly have enough goofy fight scenes for my liking. Oh yeah, and despite the title, there isn't a radioactive yardstick to be seen in this flick.

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Ah, Starman. Clearly influenced by the b/w "Adventures of Superman"series, and possibly the Republic serial "The Adventures of CaptainMarvel," these flicks are good, old-fashioned fun. The only bummer isthat this first installment is very, very dull and doesn't feature theloony aliens that would make the later entries so memorable. Instead ourhero goes up against guys in suits and fedoras.You can afford to miss this one, but don't miss "Evil Brain From OuterSpace" and the ultra-surreal "Invaders From Space," which featuresStarman thwarting the salamander-men of the planet Pulimon (you will notbelieve their modern dance troupe of doom). And the DVDs are loaded withextra goodies, including episodes of the long-forgotten b/w Japanesecartoon "Prince Planet" which is a hell of a lot more fun than Iremembered

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