| 20 March 2008 (USA)
Asylum Trailers

The teenager Madison McBride is traumatized by the loss of her deranged father when she was nine years old and the suicide of her beloved brother Brandon one year ago. She decides to join the Richard Miller University, where Brandon committed suicide, to overcome her demons. While walking to her dorm, she meets the weird janitor Wilbur Mackey that tells her that the place is haunted.

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Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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When seeing a trailer for this on the net it looked pretty good! Considering that it contained all the clichés that have already been done in other horror films.***Contains Spoilers***It was pretty good! Dark & grim at the start with the creepy theme music & seeing photo's of all the patients back in the 1930's. The death scenes were pretty good & extremely gruesome! Which is what I loved! Also how the doctor brought them back to the time of their torment: Kills them & takes theirs soles! The ending was pretty good as well! Stabbing the doctor in the head then killing him releasing all of the soles he took!A pretty good horror film if you're a horror guru like me!10/10

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If you saw the late 90s movie, House on Haunted Hill, this movie will seem oddly familiar. An asylum is run by a doctor/mad man who tortures his patients until they revolt and kill him. As is often the case, the asylum is later turned into a college dorm. However, one wing has yet to be converted and thankfully remains filled with scary asylum stuff and the murderous ghost of the doctor.We then meet our characters, and it's like The Breakfast Club meets Nightmare on Elm Street. Every kids fits a cliché and has a back story that sets up how they will be killed. It will take you about five seconds to figure out who survives. As one would expect, the students are picked off one by one and we end up with our heroes v. the murderous ghost doctor. I won't spoil it for you as to what happens. Suffice it to say, it's completely expected.Asylum isn't a good movie, and its made worse by the fact that it feels like everyone from the writers to the cast just gave up at some point. The horrors here are not original, the storyline feels like someone literally fed a bunch of different horror movies into a typewriter and even the people we are supposed to root for aren't all that interesting. In short, use this film as a way to make yourself appreciate better movies.

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This movie has disappointed me in many ways. It is not what I expected it to be, it certainly started good but then it suddenly got worse when racism was thrown in the script. A brunette guy calls a blond guy "stupid blond guy". If this kind of racism was thrown towards a black person, everyone would have gone nuts about it but they (the producers) consider it OK to bash blonds. I'm a blond my self and I feel very offended by this racist movie. No wonder this racist movie stayed underground and did not become a successful movie. Who would want to watch such a movie? Too bad I haven't watched the trailer. Anyway one thing is certain, this racist stereotype of blonds being stupid has to stop, it offends people and besides it is not true! Even if it was true, you can't go around insulting people then expect them to buy your lame racist movie!

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Okay, so first of all, this movie was made in 2008. It shouldve been better since we have improved with special effects over the years. Horror fans seek something new and different than all this "Re-imagining crap we keep getting of a lot of classic horror films. Anyway, throughout this movie, I saw a lot of scenes and themes from older, better and classic movies. For example, our "Killer" is bacially a phsycopath man who goes around killing teens in twisted and nasty ways. Just like the "Saw" series, except the dude is already dead. What the hell? So he is a ghost that is miracurosly alive and in good shape coming back for his so called "Revenge" just like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th. Burke is the killer's name and he has the Kruegar/Voorhees/Black Christmas theme to him. Next...we have our "wonderful" death scenes. Which are just like Black Christmas with the gouging of the eyes, ripping of the lips and tongue, hanging someone hanging from a string, chopping a girls head off...typical nasty crap. It is also very much Nightmare on Elm Street. The killer appears to his victims after the lights go out and he is able to transform into people's parents and make them re-live their worst nightmare. Just like Freddy Krueger.So I have made this clear that I hate this movie. Its plain stupid and retardedly messed up. I will explain more on the message boards.Directors...don't mess with the classics!!!! ~Sam~

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