Astral City: A Spiritual Journey
Astral City: A Spiritual Journey
| 03 September 2010 (USA)
Astral City: A Spiritual Journey Trailers

The selfish Dr. André Luiz dies and awakes in the limbo called "Umbral". After a painful period in the gruesome swamp, he is rescued and brought in a white light to "Nosso Lar" (meaning "Our Home"). He finds a place of harmony, where people live in peace awaiting

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Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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more than a film with its good parts and errors, it is an introduction in a way to discover and understand the life. envelope for a profound message who has status of seed. artistic it is far to be great. but it is source of questions, sketch for a different manner to discover the existence and the death and this fact does it almost special. almost because it has a precise target. and because the message is sent for a form of faith who is more complex than a collection of rules. out of that, it is a decent movie. boring of fantastic for a part of public, seductive for others, confirmation for few viewers. a film who reminds soap opera style and a genre of documentaries. and who can be start for search of new proofs, meetings of a genre of literature. short, maybe not the best form /adaptation but good start for discover a new image about reality.

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This movie was fascinating! The effects are fantastic and the scenario very captivating.Sends you to a place where you can't help but put yourself in Andre's shoes and think of what you want to do with your life. As for the message sent by the movie, it is one that warms the heart and awakens questions about life, love, selflessness and how you affect your life and the life of those around you by simply existing. As a scientist I have gone through life battling with the fear of death. After watching Nosso Lar something inside me changed. I won't say I am a believer now, but I feel at least hope ...I recommend it for anyone who one day has wondered what happens when you part.

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Claudio Carvalho

The selfish Dr. André Luiz (Renato Pietro) dies and awakes in the limbo called "Umbral". After a painful period in the gruesome swamp, he is rescued and brought in a white light to "Nosso Lar" (meaning "Our Home"). He finds a place of harmony, where people live in peace awaiting for the resurrection. Sooner André Luiz changes his behavior becoming an altruist man."Nosso Lar" is the most expensive film of Brazilian industry, with a cost of about eleven million-dollars, most of it invested in special effects. Based on the novel "Nosso Lar" written by the medium Chico Xavier in 1944 and with the soundtrack of Phillip Glass, this new-age film about spirituality is a great deception, with a corny and lame melodramatic story. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "Nosso Lar" ("Our Home")

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Lucas Rodrigues

Nosso Lar (seen yesterday) is an adaptation of a book written by André Luiz himself through spiritual medium Chico Xavier, hence it's a shortened version of what the book really represents. Also, we all know that book adaptations almost always fail to deliver to the fans the expected experience and hardly ever entertain the ones who haven't previously read the book that's being adapted. Nosso Lar is also kind of boring and confusing. In the beginning of the film the narrative will constantly change between different parts of the main character's life and his physical and spiritual state after his demise. There are several long speeches that break the pace of the film, but funny takes relieve the boredom making the film more watchable.The film has directing, role cohesion and visual effects problems, but it does well in delivering to the spectator some more advanced notions of spirituality, an issue that's recently been brought up much in Brazil through films and soap operas. It may be entertaining and inspiring to those who have interest on spirituality but if you don't believe in those thoughts you probably shouldn't watch it, since it may be a not so good introduction to this wonderful subject.

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