Armed and Deadly
Armed and Deadly
PG-13 | 27 December 2011 (USA)
Armed and Deadly Trailers

Janis witnessed her twin brother kill their parents. Twenty years later, she waits for him to come to kill her for her testimony that put him away. Trained in martial arts, she's ready. All Janis wants is closure.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Patrick Smith

Im sad... Im sad because the lowest rating I could give is 1. I wish there was a way to give zero stars. Movies like this teach me that just about anyone can be in a movie if they wanted to.cringed the entire time, I'm not sure which is more fun, watching this movie or watching paint dry.I could write a novel as to why its so bad, no attention to detail, Low budget, complete absence of any acting, embarrassing plot, but I wont bother. Doing so would give this movie too much credit/attention. If you haven't seen the movie yet the time you've already taken to look at this review is too much for the quality of this movie.If you want to watch a movie and laugh at how bad it is, watch Submerged, at lease you've got washed out ex-B grade actor Steven Seagal entertaining you, and that movie is "laughable bad" this one isn't. Disgrace to the film industry, and insulting to anyone who spent any amount of money to watch.

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Eric Holstein

I am stuck in Kuwait and was running out of movies to watch on Netflix. I would have been better served watching the sand shift. The only thing entertaining about this train-wreck was that the video, acting, and plot are so bad, it gets comical, at times. The trailer seemed promising and the cover of the movie seemed as though it would be low-budget, perhaps, but not necessarily terrible. But, right from the start, it is terrible and never gets better. I would recommend watching cheese mold before watching this movie.Well, I guess I should be thankful, at least I am I am 1 hour and 40-some minutes closer to being back home, so that is something.

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Someone wrote, "Bravo!!! Bravo!!! Bravo!!!" Perhaps the person who wrote that was watching a tadpole race.At not much more than two minutes in there's the worst acting I've seen in years. Some guy playing a character named "Sergeant Carlyle" was desperately trying to put on some kind of weird accent, only he was making a complete dog's breakfast of it. Perhaps he was trying to sound like a Kiwi (New Zealander). Anyway, whatever accent it was, that scene sets the top bar for the rest of the actors in this boring tripe. Sadly, none of the large cast get close to doing any better.If you want to completely waste one hour and forty minutes of your life then this movie is for you. But mark my words; at three minutes in you'll be hoping that Corporal Janis McKenzie clambers aboard a military aircraft and jumps out from a great height... with a concrete parachute.

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One star is very generous for this train wreck. If only I could have accessed the -10 that it deserved. It began with an ill conceived idea, Directed by a new comer to films, acted by seemingly first day acting students, and probably shot on an IPhone (no wait... I seen some very good stuff shot on IPhones). Wow - thank god for fast forward as thats how I watched most of this inane juvenile attempt in a genre that is very forgiving in most categories. Characters - DOA, vacant and devoid of personality, intellect, charm, and in most cases and believability.Plot - What Plot??? An idea for a story is not a plot.Dialogue - On the nose, pathetic, devoid of subtext or any sincerity.Production - Watch a student film... they are at least trying.Save your time - watch a local ad by a Mom & Pop outfit,- the pain will be quick.

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