| 12 January 2007 (USA)
Anwar Trailers

Anwar is the story of a young man, an artist, who leaves his home and everything he knows in order to escape a world he no longer recognizes. All he ever wanted was a love story, Instead, his mentor abandons him and his best friend and his one true love betray him. Devastated, emotionally exhausted, he takes refuge in an old building, only to wake up the next morning to find his world turned upside down. Mistaken for a terrorist, Anwar finds himself in the midst of an unusual set of circumstances that resonate deeply with the modern Indian Condition and indeed with the Human Condition in this present-day global village.


How sad is this?

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Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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We need movies as this to weaken the senseless hatred we harbor within ourselves ... only to be ignited by the trivia in the name of religious divides ... The word 'Muslim' has several dimensions to it: 'terrorist', 'minority', 'victim' to name a few ... Personally I love to see movies where fundamentalists who misuse Islam (Hinduism), where Muslim (Hindu) leaders who fight terrorism fought in the name of Islam (Hinduism), where muslims (Hindus') victimization and their perpetuation, and where integration is achieved must be explored in depth. Such movies alone can help a common man of India take a more rounded stand when it comes to such divides. Great work Jha and team.Siddharth has a very vulnerable face and of course the soulful songs fill the rest ...

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I bought its DVD because some of my friends told me that this is a good movie. Frankly speaking I was not agree with them because this movie was never marketed. I bought the DVD and saw the movie. What ? Guys, it is really a movies which keeps strength to make you so emotional even if you are not. Movie is a little slow but that does not affect its story and entertainment. It is slow because it was necessary to understand the feelings of every character. I would recommend everyone to watch it. One more thing, I loved the background music of the movie so much. Its a story about a young Muslim guy fell in love with a girl. Somehow the guy not being so lucky and do not get his love because the girl loved someone else ( A Hindu guy). In his temper unknowingly he just make the things messed up and both the girl and the guy(Hindu) were murdered. Anwar feels so guilty and starts walking to an unknown destination. In his way, he finds a temple and thinks to spent the night in there. In the morning whole scene was changed. Now I am not going to tell you the whole story. Just watch it and feel the movie.

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This is my first movie review at IMDb. One of my friend suggested me to watch the movie. It was worth.The story is really good one dealing with romance, reality and the absurd in it. All the characters are in love, or at least have some problems with love affairs and punished duly.Anwar himself is punished severely since he looses his beloved, his friend and himself, life has at least no meaning to him except his love "mehru" who betrays him for real dreams while Anwar till the last moment lives in the world of his illusions.The beggar, theatre artist Master Pasha, after loosing his Meera, awaits for another love break, Dipa who actually considers only as a beggar. The world has no time to pay for the emotions, all it want to buy is the product, what master pasha can do. Master Pasha stops begging and making designs temples for Meera/Dipa and went to perform hi final stage show.All other characters in their own way or other are all facing the same thing.The story can not be categorized as tragic one since it gives you a thought of considering not only your love for others, but also in the contradicting way.I salute the story writer and the actor in the central roles. I rated 8.0 since it could have been better in other departments.

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There is only one word in this world that can aptly describe this movie, "Beautiful". It blends contemporary social issues with an artistic flavor that is rarely seen in Indian cinema. The cinematography is amazing. The film tries to explain the metaphor of love. Love in various forms, which ranges from platonic love to lust. The social issues dealt here however lack maturity but when dealing with metamorphical things, that's where the film comes into its own. Just watch the scenes where Anwar symbolizes Mehru with Meera and himself with Krishna, beautiful, just beautiful. Acting is quite fine by everyone, especially Pankaj Jha who played the minister's right hand. However the real scene stealer is VIJAY RAZ who makes you to sit and look in awe as he performs like anything. Even regular theatre actors would find it hard to swallow when the guy comes into his own. The last scene where he shouts from the rooftop, "Bhikhari nahi hoon main, kalakaar hoon kalakaar", is fantastic. This film should be shown to all wannabe directors. Over all a must watch for every Cinema lover.

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