An Inconsistent Truth
An Inconsistent Truth
| 27 January 2012 (USA)
An Inconsistent Truth Trailers

An Inconsistent Truth is a 2012 documentary film written, produced, and featuring, nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host Phil Valentine and directed by Shayne Edwards. Valentine, who disagrees with the scientific consensus on global warming, interviewed scientists about the validity of Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth and the facts presented within. The scientists he interviews deny that there is a consensus on the issue of global warming or climate change. The film argues that global warming proponents keep changing its label, basing their argument on what Valentine says is shaky scientific ground.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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Don't Believe the Hype

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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I saw the movie opening night in Nashville and loved it.Let me say up front that I do believe in global warming, and do believe man has a part to play in it. I do not however believe everything I hear or read and I actively search out new sources and opinions on research and data interpretation.Mr. Valentine, through this movie, is not so much trying to disprove global warming as much as he is asking viewers to be skeptical and ask questions. And he asks some VERY good questions. To say he oversimplifies his criticism of the establishment would be a disservice to those who may not be familiar with his viewpoint, and by ignoring it you yourself prove your unwillingness to learn.It's more than a documentary about bad science, it's politics and social engineering as well.... Interviews with students at Vanderbilt Univ. show how even the best and brightest have drank the kool-aid without really thinking about it.Valentine effectively asks us to reexamine what we commonly accept as base fact, and causes us to question what the messenger is trying to hide. Ignoring one while accepting another, without fair consideration of both, is a trap.Thanks Phil, you done good.

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James Clark

Job well done in helping to expose the liberal lies and half truths in everything Al Gore, climate change, and global warming. Excellent, informative, funny, well made, interesting, honest, thoughtful, and deserves an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize. Excellent, informative, funny, well made, interesting, honest, thoughtful, and deserves an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize. Excellent, informative, funny, well made, interesting, honest, thoughtful, and deserves an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize. Excellent, informative, funny, well made, interesting, honest, thoughtful, and deserves an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize.

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this is a great film. there was a lot of solid information given along with enough humor to make the whole thing fun and educational. I've never been a believer in global warming because it always seemed to be junk science. it's always a good thing to be proved right :) I never knew about the warm period or the mini ice age....I love learning new factual information :) a must see for everyone who has heard of global warming whether or not you believe in it. it's best to have the whole story, and now, thanks to Shayne and Phil, we do. I love that being a conservative and conservation were equated from the start. I think sometimes that gets lost in the politics and that is a sad reality. for the folks who keep giving a low rating without having yet seen this film, that just shows their character and why one should ignore the low ratings.

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If you wanted to torture a liberal, forget water-boarding. Tie them up and make them watch an listen to this movie and their head will explode. They will be a sobbing limp mess when then finish watching and will do whatever you want them to. A small percentage may have their eyes open and be able to weigh the information and come to an informed conclusion concerning the myth and junk science of so-called "global warming" and how it is merely a ploy to gain control over socio-economic elements of the global governments. Dirt people and tree-huggers BEWARE! This movie will befuddle you with facts. Take a conservative friend with you so they can explain the difficult parts. Actually, that's not true. This movie presents the truth so simply that even a 7 year-old can understand it. Do yourself a favor, go and see this movie and you will come out with your mind cleansed.

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