All Babes Want To Kill Me
All Babes Want To Kill Me
PG-13 | 16 February 2005 (USA)
All Babes Want To Kill Me Trailers

A Martial Artist, afflicted with a disease that makes beautiful women want to kill him, goes on a suicide mission to find true love anyway.


Strictly average movie

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Peter Penn

The only reason that this movie is not yet on the IMDb Bottom 100 is because of electoral fraud from the producers. A fact even more obvious when you check the dates of the positive reviews. The movie was released 2005 and almost all of the the positive reviews are from 2002-2004.Someone wrote that you can only like this movie if you are an investor or younger than 8 years old. I'd say that if you remove the children younger than 8 that might be true. The movies does not contain one single laugh and it is prejudicial about race, gender, ethnicity, disability and so forth. It is truly as bad as it gets.

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Oh my God, who makes this crap? And who writes positive reviews about it? (apart from those who worked on it or their friends, of course). Clearly one of IMDb's biggest failures in attempting to stop vote rigging and fake reviews (most of the positive comments were written YEARS before it was even released!), "All Babes Want To Kill Me" actually has a grabber of a concept that sadly fell into the hand of amateurs. Right from the start, with the GROSSLY UNFUNNY caricature of the blind Asian martial arts master, you know what to expect; and surely enough, the gay caricature, the multiple hits to the groin and the vomiting gags follow. But the most REVOLTING aspect of the movie is how it makes up two beautiful female cast members to look bruised and bleeding for nearly all their screen time, making the film unpleasant to even LOOK AT, in addition to its being dismally unfunny. There is one almost-good scene of the hero getting his butt kicked all over the place by a pool lady in a bikini. For that scene alone I give the film a 2 out of 10. If the people who made it had invested as much time in doing a good job as they did in building up a totally fake and undeserved reputation for it on IMDb, it might have turned out better.

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Yes, I know this movie is stupid, REALLY stupid, but I find it really funny.I saw the trailer, avoided it and then I was convinced into watching it at my friends house after she bought the DVD. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I mean laughing so hard I couldn't breathe laughing I think what makes the film so great is that it is so aware of how stupid it is, unlike most modern comedies which thinks we laugh at any old thing. I quote this film, "she sleep with all manner of salesmen!" There is not much to say about this film either you'll like it and laugh your butt off or hate it and think it is the death of cinema.

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Mitch Kumstein

My faith in IMDb's ratings continues to plummet. How did this abortion get a 7.5 rating (as of Jan 29, 2007)? To rate this a 10, you'd have to be either younger than 8 years old or an investor. I only watched the first 15 minutes or so (during which I never cracked a smile), but I'm confident it wasn't going to get any better. I've seen funnier gags on Benny Hill. Here's one: paramedics carrying a corpse on a stretcher stumble (for no reason) and drop it; then they do it again. The grossly stereotypical Asian father is also particularly unfunny -- not because he's stereotypical but just because it's so entirely lacking humor. Also, none of the characters' actions make any sense. For example, the young protagonist eats paint chips for no reason. This movie is one of those low-budget, no-script "comedies" that makes you marvel at the decline of civilization.

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