Alex the Ram
Alex the Ram
| 21 July 2000 (USA)
Alex the Ram Trailers

Alessandro Corso is a special forces carabiniere. During an operation he saves a child but cause the death of one of his comrades. He's then transferred to a peaceful little town, where he will be unexpectedly forced to help an hot witness named Antavleva, protecting her and bringing them safely to the trial.


Truly Dreadful Film

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I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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Nicola Bianchi

This film is so bad that it has become a cult in Italy. You just need to remember that to fully appreciate it you need to watch it with many friends, and most important NOT in a sober state. Remarkable are the baby stroller scene, the desperation in Alessandro when his friend dies, and the bar scene.It's truly a masterpiece. There's even a character acted by Orso Maria Guerrini, the famous testimonial of an Italian beer. The movie has been seen in theaters by ONLY 597 PEOPLE, but it has become a must-have in every home collection.If you want to really surprise your friend with an unexpected movie choice, you now know what you have to do. You just need to search this movie NOW because it's not easy to find anywhere. I really dunno why.

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"this review contains spoilers"Year 2000.A movie made to compete with the likes of Mission impossible 2 and the gladiator.!!A movie made to launch the acting career of a former ski racing champion.Boy o boy did everything take a u-turn down the toilet after its release,well you only have watch the first ten minutes to understand what I'm talking about!!Alberto Tomba or Il grande Albertone as the Italian press called him,stares in "Alex l'Ariete" a crime/police action flick considered to be the worst film ever in the history of Italian cinema and the cult of trash!!what an hon-our..What can i say!!just calling it a film is a "compliment".The acting is elementary,a plot that seems to be written by seven year olds,the protagonists suffer loss of memory,but a minute later remember everything!a quick example is when Alex(Tomba)is transfered by his superior to a little town(Monte dell'olmo) in the Alps.when the conversation between the two takes place Alex asks his superior where Monte dell'olmo is located??the superior replies that he doesn't know!a minute later talking with a friend Alex says that he is being transfered in the alps.what?mind you thats not the only problem!unfortunately...In many scenes the dubbing is scandalously bad as if the dubbing director rushed it to go on holiday,numerous sequences make no sense and don't relate in any manner with the actual plot,they seem thrown in to make the film last at least an hour,because from my eye half an hour would of been sufficient to sum up the whole story.When did you ever witness a film run for 30 minutes?i haven't,but they could of done an exception here.Special effects are nowhere to be seen..Tomba blasts away rounds of machine gun fire towards a mini lorry which strangely doesn't suffer any king of damage.not even a little hole on the entire structure but just a few sparks.... magic!!its meant to be a dramatic film but its filled with moments of unintentional comedy,the actors act as if the situation is critical but in reality they make you burst into laughter not only for their acting but also for their facial has to be said that on this matter the master that steals the show is Mr Alberto Tomba.during filming notice that his eyes are moving,why,you may ask?? hes reading the play script because he cant remember two words "Porcaccia la miseria".there are many other moments where the the play script is used on a frequent basis mind you..i don't want to spoil the fun!!the film was released in July.A super flop at the box office,with a budget of 6 million euros,it earned a miserable 3 and half thousand euros and to justify the films failure Alberto tomba said in the press that "in summer periods nobody goes to the cinema".what a brick!!! i prefer not to say nothing more on the subject.Damiano Damiani was the director.he must of been either absent during filming and directed it via telephone or must of suffered severe brain damage!!nothing else can explain how a decent director who in the 1960's produced decent movies recognized worldwide,and directed italy's finest actors such as Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale just to name a few came out of the blues and deliver this dustbin??What on earth was he thinking with this failure?Was it way to celebrate the new millennium?? no commentAlex l'Ariete made me laugh so so hard and loud for a whole year.during classes my friend and i would sit through lessons watching it,we would laugh so much that we got to the point of having belly ache,to be on the verge of tears and getting shouted by the teacher!!damn it was fun!! Tomba's face!!!epicas a comedy-recommended so to have fun with your friends and family,otherwise as crime/police flick its to be avoided!!!comedy, my vote 10/10action flick, my vote 0/10

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That film is absolutely fantastic!! If you watch it with your friends it can be a very nice day... Obviously you have to know that the film is stupid and very bad directed and acted (Tomba/Unziker what a couple), and that is probably the worse film in the world, but you can enjoy it very much. We watched it in 19 and it was a very nice evening. The best scenes are the first one, when the criminals kill the friend of Alex, and he tries to act like a desperate, and the result is a comic scene of first category... And then when he shows to Leva (Antevleva, what a name) the "Palassio di giusstissia", and then the accident of Leva, that once is going on her car out of the road, and a second later, the car is completely empty! What a magic!

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Probably somebody heard of Alberto Tomba. A former policeman, a former sky champion, and, now, a TERRIBLE actor. "Alex L'Ariete" was planned to be a TV "mini serial", but the Italian television itself refused to show the movie on its channels. Now it's a, believe me, ridiculous movie. The script it's simply hilarious (it's supposed to be a dramatic movie), something like a 5 years old kid work. But what really blows you away it's the amateurish acting: Alberto Tomba, who actually was not believable as a policeman himself, plays terribly a totally silly character: a special operations italian policeman specialized in smashing doors open! ("ariete" is "ram"). This super-guy will try to save a young nice girl life (an actual italian "little" TV showgirl, married to the singer Eros Ramazzotti): nice but absolutely inept in the acting. Lose this one and make yourself a favour. A movie that is a shame to Italian cinema industry: only John Travolta in Earth Attack got close..

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