R | 08 October 1994 (USA)
Aftermath Trailers

When the others leave for the night, the last mortician begins to fondle the corpses. He quickly moves to the corpse of a young woman who died in a car crash.


brilliant actors, brilliant editing

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Awesome Movie

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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A short film about a coroner or funeral director or something who treats the corpses in his office in a very inappropriate manner.So, this short film came my way because someone put it on a list of the best horror and thrillers. I have to disagree with that. It is alright, but not really much better than average. The same person says it is more disturbing than "A Serbian Film" and "Human Centipede" combined. Again, disagree. I actually did not find this film that bothersome. But then, I don't find Human Centipede bothersome...This is just a lower budget film about a guy with bad habits... nothing really special.

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Horst in Translation (

This is "Aftermath", a half-hour short movie from over 20 years ago written and directed by Spaniard Nacho Cerdà. Basically you could divide this film into two parts. First part takes place at a morgue where a man working there does the autopsy of a corpse. His colleagues and apprentices are carefully watching, but nobody's talking. There are no spoken dialogs in here. Everything seems normal. Second half takes place also at the morgue, but the guy from before is a lone. He has a young woman at his tables and starts severing her body parts, one after the other. It becomes a pretty bloody mess. Now we know, he who seemed so normal (if you can be normal in that profession) is a complete sociopath and a killer. In the end his dog also gets a bit of the body.I have to say I found this pretty uninteresting. Yes it's bloody and supposed to be shocking, but it dragged so much by half of the film already that the big spectacular second half left me complete unattached. There is also nothing in the script, with which the actors could show their talent, if they have any that is. Also it's a piece of style over substance. The only purpose I can see in here from Cerdà's side is to make a film as shocking as possible. There is no real story or elaboration on the characters, nothing. I have no idea why this got some awards attention. And I am even more clueless about the fact that there is a sequel. I will give this one a look later on. Hopefully, it's better. As for this one here, not recommended and actually should never have been made.

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Just watched this movie. Can't say much about it, except, WOW. This film is only half an hour long, but had it been any longer I don't know if I would be able to get through it. And I am not disturbed by movies... I have seen some pretty gruesome ones. But it's not the gore that makes this movie disturbing. And it's not even the necrophilia. We've all seen more graphic movies than this by far. It may not seem to be so upon first watching this movie, but there's actually not as much as it feels like there is. So I guess what makes this film so disturbing it is is the sterility of it; the coldness of the morgue; the fact that the victim has no idea she is the victim and the perpetrator of the crime shows no guilt towards his crime. The purely casual way this depraved character, excellently portrayed by Pep Tosar in a performance that hides half of his face most of the time, commits his indecent acts. That MIGHT be what makes this film a disturbing one- but it's hard to put your finger on it. Either way, you can't tear your eyes off of this thing once you've started watching.

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This movie is not so good as I thought it would be. There is no story whatsoever, no characters and some dialog would have been nice. The gore effects are good and it gets quite bloody at times but nothing over the top. It starts with an autopsy on a man and when that is over the scene with the girl starts. The music is a classic score and fits the movie very well. They should have made a 90 minutes version in which they could have had some time for character development so we can feel sorry for the person on the autopsy table. And some more info about the morticians would have made this movie far scarier than it is. Don't expect a scary movie but a nice, gory special effects reel.

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