A Night to Dismember
A Night to Dismember
NR | 01 January 1983 (USA)
A Night to Dismember Trailers

A woman from a "cursed" family is released from a mental facility, and soon dismembered corpses start turning up.


Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Every living organism gradually gets better in what it does… It's a simple process called development or normal learning curves. You know, like little babies that learn to walk and then run, or puppies that learn they shouldn't urinate on the carpet. Directors usually also have a learning curve, as the first couple of movies in their careers are often experimental tryouts while their final films are the best and most qualitative achievements. However, this 100% natural process seemingly doesn't apply to Doris Wishman because her last films are just as worthless as the first films in her career. In fact, the latter films are arguably even worse! Films like "Bad Girls go to Hell" or "Nude on the Moon" were still enjoyable whereas this "A Night to Dismember" is downright unwatchable. After nearly three decades of experience, Doris' movies are still dreadfully amateurish, unendurably boring, miserably inept and unbelievably pathetic. Every inexperienced but aspiring horror director should see this movie and take notes on how it is NOT done… Do NOT make use of an awful voice-over to narrate the already simplistic plot, do NOT hire random retards from your family and neighborhood and pretend they are actors, do NOT use the world's most inappropriate and monotonous music from start to finish, do NOT assume that grotesque gore and splatter compensates for the lack of screenplay and so on, and so on… I'm not even sure why I'm bothering but here's the plot synopsis: every member of the whole wide Kent family has the bad habit of dying in nasty axe-related accidents. Samantha Fox – no, not the one you think – plays Vicki Kent and she's prematurely released from a mental institution. Mum and day are ecstatic that the family is united again, but her wicked brother and sister want to send Vicky back to the loony bin as soon as possible. They do everything they can to drive her nuts and bloodied corpses start piling up again. Whenever the stupid narrator isn't mumbling redundant nonsense, "A Night to Dismember" is just a horrible series make-up effects and laughable splatter situations that are practically impossible (for example, a severed head that gets stuck on the axe…). I'm fully aware of the fact that the title sounds extremely cool and that the DVD cover image looks irresistible, but please don't watch this so-called "cult-classic". It is, hands down, the biggest piece of rubbish I've ever seen.

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Well it has been a while since I gave a movie a 1 star rating, but "A Night To Dismember" certainly deserves it. With its horrible editing, script, directing, acting, and even dubbing, hell this movie is horrible at everything.The plot= from what I made out is that we get a young woman named Vicki played by Samantha Fox (The porn star, not the 80's page 3 model and singer) released from a institution after murdering a couple people. But then surprise surprise people start turning up dead.I've looked up some info on this movie and found out that some of the footage is actually missing which is an excuse for the choppy editing Not only do we get some of the same scenes used-over and when the people are talking we don't even get see they're faces only close up's of the back of their heads and feet which makes this movie incoherent, and to make things worse we have a detective talking all the way through it, explaining about stuff that's not even happened, I mean that just makes this movie hard to follow. Another thing as well are the effects are just laughable hot dog sausages used as fingers, I mean come on why was this movie even released, it's not even so bad it's good, this movie is just plain awful and unwatchable.All in all "A Night To Dismember" is definitely a movie you should avoid, and probably the worst slasher movie of all time.

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This movie is a special kind of bad. There are bad movies and then there are Doris Wishman bad movies. Wishman had a uniquely off-kilter style and sensibility which gave her remarkably rotten celluloid abominations a distinctive identity that was wholly her own. Wishman's trademark singular ineptitude permeates every last fabulously fumbled frame of this faltering attempt at a slasher horror picture: plodding all-thumbs (mis)direction, a meandering ramshackle narrative, badly post-synced and recorded dialogue, bizarre lingering close-ups of people's feet, ridiculous sub-Jack Webbian "Dragnet"-style hard-boiled narration, chintzy cut-rate gore (the severed head that gets tossed in a fireplace is hilariously hokey!), a decent smidgen of gratuitous female nudity and soft-core sex, dreadful acting from a lame no-name cast (porn actress Samantha Fox in particular totally hams it up as the fragile and troubled Vicki), grating, redundant, and often inappropriate music, rough, grainy, shaky cinematography by frequent collaborator C. Davis Smith, choppy editing, tacky psychedelic visual flourishes, the ubiquitous false cat scare cliché, labored use of slow motion, clumsily executed murder set pieces, an absurd impromptu dance number, and a completely ludicrous "what the hell?" surprise twist ending all ensure that this exceptionally atrocious bilge is a gloriously ghastly marvel to behold from start to finish. Wonderfully rancid'n'wretched bottom-of-the-barrel schlock.

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A Night to Dismember, a very catchy title indeed, had me ready because I knew it was cheese, and then I started to watch it. Simply hilarious.Because much of the original film had been lost, new footage had to be shot to replace it, and it shows. Disjointed editing, a new soundtrack that replaces the old soundtrack which sound effects and the score just doesn't match the action on screen (a good example is when one of the main characters is being attacked during a dream sequence, the soundtrack doesn't have terror laden screams, it has moans akin to a porn film), and repeating footage makes this film a truly funny film.The parodies of the slasher genre of the 1980's can't hold a candle to the laughs in this one. Watch it, you'll be glad you did.

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