A Better Place
A Better Place
| 25 October 2016 (USA)
A Better Place Trailers

Jeremy Rollins, a shy and underdeveloped young man with an uncanny condition, learns how to cope with life in a small corrupt town.


Simply Perfect

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Better Late Then Never

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A Masterpiece!

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A different way of telling a story

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Michael Ledo

Jeremy (Stephen Todt) is special. When his mother passes, he finds himself very alone and socially dysfunctional with a "condition" that is shorty explored. He must endure a bully in a crooked town. He makes a friend in Jess (Mary Ann Raemisch) who is a prisoner in her life.The film is mostly a drama, except for the "condition." The ending of the film hints at non-specific religious overtures that were not hinted at during the rest of the film. The acting wasn't that great and perhaps some of that had to do with the dysfunctional characters. The idea was unique enough to keep you engaged, but the execution had issues.Guide: No swearing or nudity. Implied sex. Tonya Kay provides eye candy.

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Bobby Johnson

When God allowed man to create technology, specifically visual media, I am under the firm belief that he did not foresee the future and realize that a group of people with apparently a lot of resources to waste would come together and create this "disasterpiece" of a cinematic trainwreck titled "A Better Place". Would I have chosen this to watch if more options were available? No. But unfortunately for me, I chose to wake up and start my day by taking a chance on watching a movie that was unheard of and unknown to me in any way. I wish God would have had mercy on my soul. First off the lead role is acted out by this idiot we're supposed to take seriously as an adult who was sheltered and locked away by his mother to protect him. However, the acting is soooooo bad that we find the lead character's personality similar to Todd Cleary, who is the confused, withdrawn and possibly gay son of the Senator in the movie Wedding Crashers (2005). I'm not going to give away any spoilers but just remember what I told you about the amount of time you've wasted away from your life the moment you get to the part in the movie where the bright golden spotlight shines on the lead character and the special effects start dancing on your screen. You have been warned. Look, if you're dead set on committing Movie Suicide believe me there are wayy lest painful ways to do so. Consider jumping off of a high building, landing head first onto a crowded downtown street and almost instantly being pummeled by multiple cabs and Uber drivers who didn't notice your pancake shaped torso awkwardly blending in with the rest of the trash and discoloration on the street. I promise you that would be less painful. As for this movie. This is not a movie. This is the perfect way to kill your enemy and get away with it. So buy as many copies as you need and get to mailing them out. Your life will be better 2 hours after they receive it. #justbobbysopinion

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I really don't know why so many people dislike this movie. It was perfectly acted and the actors where great for their roles. This movie exploits all bad behavior people do on basic and some more. The corruption and the things that we are willing to sacrifice to help others who don't deserve it for better off all. This movie even if its a wishful dream, is done nicely and touch u deep inside. I recommend to people who have at least some good in them to watch this. Its B movie, but a good one. Low budget used spot on.

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If you like terrible movies, this is an elegant masterpiece on par with the 2016 presidential race. Perhaps they couldn't have done it without them. I first infected my television and my dear girlfriend's mind when we were looking for something to watch, anything. We opened the preview and although skeptical, I was intrigued. We gave it a shot, just jumped on in there with cold coffee and no popcorn at all. Had I known the ride I was in for, I would have done it all differently by repeatedly bashing my head into the front door until the brain trauma had finally leaked in. The outright rudeness of the opening characters was splendid. It seemed that at every turn, any individual might walk in off the street with a raging case of hemorrhoids and sit on a gallon of fresh vanilla ice cream like it was no big deal to absolutely no reaction of the cast of background mutes. I wondered to myself, what kind of town is this? Intrigued further, I continued to watch. I knew what I was in for, but I was completely unaware that some people have a completely different interpretation of a super power than the rest of the world, and some of these people have begun to infiltrate some of my favorite film genres. But can you blame me for continuing? I was thrown off my guard. I haven't seen movie making this bad since Kurt Russell wore and eye patch and Dolph Lundgren had baby smooth skin. To be fair, When a movie opens up with forgettable 80's street thugs dressed all cloak and dagger like in Walmart shopping outfits pulling pranks on the local diner's lifer waitress, you just get pulled in somehow. It wasn't too long before I reasoned that this movie was clearly a joke and nothing more.Now, if for some reason, you went the full mile like me and mine, I do recommend pulling out the sweaters as suggested by dbh850, because you are in for the flat tire of your life. I was shocked by the terrible service you get at the grocery store when your card is shut down, the overwhelming cunning of the local sheriff, and I may forever wonder just how many envelopes Sam Abram carries with him into church. Tireless hours were spent on thinking of the most immediate and abrasive reaction one might have to anything that put them at any sort of disadvantage or just simply didn't work out the way they were supposed to. I for one am glad that I won't get this hour of my life back, because it was bound to happen, and I am grateful I will never have to relive the experience of seeing this movie again. Not an ounce of curiosity was left unspent, and I will sleep soundly knowing I have finally seen the worst movie possible. Putting it at the top of my list of poovies.

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