9/11: Press For Truth
9/11: Press For Truth
| 05 September 2006 (USA)
9/11: Press For Truth Trailers

Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In '9/11 Press For Truth', six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington and won! compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.


Very well executed

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An absolute waste of money

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A Major Disappointment

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Nooshin Navidi

On August 6, 2001, the White House received an official memo titled: "Bin Laden Determined to Attack within the United States." The title of this memo is casually uttered by Condoleezza Rice in answer to a question during her testimony before the 9/11 commission.This comes after she poorly & *repeatedly* dodges important questions about this memo and other similar tips given to her and the administration about the threat and why no measures were taken to prevent the 9/11 tragedies. This is only one of many disturbing clips featured in this film, which goes on to expose mounds of damning & documented evidence that the Bush administration not only HAD been warned repeatedly about the threat (and specifically about planes used by terrorists as weapons to blow up several important buildings), but that they had already taken steps to protect themselves and their families during their own travels and stays abroad. Time and time again, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft, Fleischer and others in the Bush administration denied ANY knowledge of threats when questioned in interviews & press conferences. The evidence leaves no doubt as to their knowledge and subsequent failure to prevent the attacks.I'm not really much of a conspiracy-theory type, but seriously, how can anyone learn these facts and still fail to be troubled by them? The warnings could not have been more specific, practically connecting the dots FOR the CIA and the administration. We also learn about researcher, Paul Thompson, and his critical role in exposing the multiple conflicts in media reports (beginning at the 29-minute mark.) His research made it twice as hard to watch clips of the press conferences given at the time by Bush and his officials feigning ignorance when they were more than aware of the threats. The media managed to miss lies and inconsistencies in a number of press conferences and interviews.We may never know the complete truth behind the horrific events of 9/11, and it would be naive to give the other countries involved a Get-out-of-Jail-Free card, but it's impossible to watch this film and not feel outraged at our own government.

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I've seen some of the other videos out there about 9/11, and this one is the best in describing in detail, the "timeline" of events leading to that day. If you combine the facts, make your own mind up. It's a mind-bending set of facts and like everyone, the world over, I was watching the events unfold, and the "facts?" that the US government released in a matter of days after 9/11 but, had no knowledge it was going to happen and had no intention on acting on dead set Intel that a threat was there. I hope that human beings, no matter what country you live in, band together to find the truth. If they spent 100 Mill (us) trying the find out if Clinton screwed Monica, why only spend 14 Mill, on the commission into 9/11? Closer to home, Australia supporting the US in the "fight", the pricks should have been looking closer to home. Australian's should also fight for the truth, for the US government to declassify all information regarding Bin-Laden. We lost 23 and wounded 168 men, so Bush and his whole stinking government can act All Powerful, and as if they are doing something, but really just wan the power (of course, getting Sadam and the oil as a bonus) Daddy Bush would have been proud! If the US is so powerful, and we just let everyone involved go free with their lives, family, kids, when they are 6ft under and someone spills their guts - it's gunna be too flipping late to fry em then ain't it! One day, Some One, will refuse to live with the secret anymore and they will let it out, I just hope firstly that whoever orchestrated, arranged or had any part (Bush, Condoleezza Rice and Dick Chaney) in the attack are alive to face the firing line and I'm alive to see it!I'm glad I'm Ausralian. We might have Gillard as the face of our government until she over steps the mark and they boot her out, but at least we wouldn't have believed the bullshit like the American people did. It was fed to them by Bush, Rice and Dick. You have a small group of Gov Officials that feed you the story and they expect you to believe them - There are so many questions, still unanswered by the people that know and IF asked, they are dodged, or answers that are full of hot air.If there's footage of the plane hitting the pentagon, instead of just 1 second after - release it Bush, that's about 1,000 questions answered in a manor of 10 seconds of video on the building that has more CCTV cameras than any other. Guys, watch this Doco, it's got the facts, then make up your own mind. Watch the others.... It's a mind-blower when you combine all the facts, not hot air.

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Nooshin Navidi

On August 6, 2001, the White House received an official memo titled: "Bin Laden Determined to Attack within the United States." The title of this memo is casually uttered by Condoleezza Rice in answer to a question during her testimony before the 9/11 commission. This comes after she poorly & repeatedly dodges important questions about this memo and other similar tips given to her and the administration about the threat and why no measures were taken to prevent the 9/11 tragedies.This is only one of many disturbing clips featured in this film, which goes on to expose mounds of damning & documented evidence that the Bush administration not only HAD been warned repeatedly about the threat (and specifically about planes used by terrorists as weapons to blow up several important buildings), but that they had already taken steps to protect themselves and their families during their own travels & stays abroad.Time & time again, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft, Fleischer and others in the Bush administration denied ANY knowledge of threats when questioned in interviews & press conferences. The evidence leaves no doubt as to their knowledge & subsequent failure to prevent the attacks. How can there be anyone left in this country who fails to see the atrocity of what was done on Sept 11, 2001, not just by terrorists, but by our own government.The warnings could not have been more specific, practically connecting the dots FOR the CIA and the administration. We also learn about researcher, Paul Thompson, and his critical role in exposing the multiple conflicts in media reports (beginning at the 29-minute mark.) His research made it twice as hard to watch clips of the press conferences given at the time by Bush & his officials feigning ignorance when they were more than aware of the threats. The media managed to miss lies & inconsistencies in a # of press conferences & interviews. It's impossible to watch this film and not feel outraged.~NN

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Dominic ...

This was an amazing documentary! I've seen Loose Change and several other documentaries that imply the same things as this one, however (no offense Dylan Avery) none of the documentaries that have come before this have been so professionally produced and edited. This one actually cites the SOURCE of the information. They not only speak to family members and witnesses but, as I said, they provide credible sources for every bit of data they produce. This is a documentary based in FACT and not Fantasy. It raises real questions and provides real proof. The people of our country should DEMAND answers.On a side note I find it a bit interesting, and insulting that IMDb places this at the bottom of the page for this title: "Recommendations If you like this title, we also recommend...Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us (2005) (TV)" Please... this is NOT science fiction and we do not run around wearing tin foil hats and camping out at area 51. That is ridiculous and insulting. Imagine how the family members in this documentary would feel knowing that some people consider their cause to be equal to some UFO Sci-Fi garbage.

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