7 Lucky Ninja Kids
7 Lucky Ninja Kids
| 15 August 1987 (USA)
7 Lucky Ninja Kids Trailers

A gang of local hoods are after this diamond and will stop at nothing to get their hands on this prized possession. With bad guys everywhere and danger lurking around the corner, these Kung-Fu kids pul out their bag of martial arts tricks. Flying through the air with kicks and punches, nunchaku, long sticks, swords and other martial arts weaponry, the bad guys don't stand a chance. Kids will love this awesome skateboard riding, pizza eating group of mini-Ninjas!

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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Klaus Ming

Over two decades before Kick Ass, the 7 Lucky Ninja Kids – decked out in 1980s street fashion, were trading punches with adult villains to a musical soundtrack composed of almost certainly unlicensed western pop songs. The result is a badly dubbed and unintentionally hilarious movie that was inappropriately marketed to children, despite the violence, mild language and sexual innuendo. Barely a B-movie, 7 Lucky Kids has little- to-no plot and is perhaps most entertaining during the fighting musical montage which introduces the kids before they attempt to return the lost diamond and do battle with an inept gang of mobsters.

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This is a fun family film to watch. I see a lot of people slamming it on the net but you need to take it for what it is.......a fun 80's kungfu film with kids. The fight scenes are well choreographed and the acting is well above par for this sort of film. The story is a tad weak but that was okay because I wasn't expecting it to be the caliber of Gone With The Wind. Each kid has a unique fighting specialty and I was very surprised at the level of skill they displayed during the fights. The film was obviously shot in China but its nicely dubbed to English for an easy watch. The music has a strong 80's vibe that gives the film a somewhat campy presence but that is a good quality when you consider the era. I consider 7 Lucky Ninja Kids a winner.

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I must have watched this movie literally 100 times or more when I was 12. Haven't seen it since, but I remember thinking that it was amusing, if a bit over the top, and it had all the standard elements of the Kung-Fu movie stereotypes: cardboard box fights in warehouses, people flying through glass plates, etc. I was obsessed with ninjas at the time, and had a crush on the girl ninja kid. I also liked the kids' fashion sense and wanted to dress like them. What does this have to do with the movie? Nothing. Just saying. Anyway, it's a decent movie, not anywhere near being the worst ever made, like someone else here has said. It might be fun if you happen to find it somewhere.

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there isn't much use in watching this movie unless you obviously are very bored with nothing to do..at all. there is no basic plot...i only laughed in one scene where the guy is a girl. but that's pretty much it. the sound effects...the fight scenes...everything...

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