22 Weeks
22 Weeks
| 06 June 2009 (USA)
22 Weeks Trailers

A young woman is locked in the bathroom of an abortion clinic after her aborted baby is born alive.


Brilliant and touching

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Her testimony was very genuine and not fabricated. Anyone that would attempt to interject doubt if this has ever happened to anyone before has an agenda, especially in light of congressional hearings and abortion clinic employees that are serving time in prison. If the story has helped anyone in life to be a better person then it has done it's job. If you are thinking of having an abortion or have had one and need counseling please seek help from someone other than those paid to do the abortions. Remember, volunteers that are saving lives do not make any money off preventing abortions but the abortion clinics are. Who would you trust- a stranger making a buck or a neighbor that forfeited a buck to care?

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This movie touched my heart. It did have some scenes that disturb. But it does a very good job on exposing the truth that this girl faced. We finally get to see what the abortion experience can be and has been for many.There is no exaggeration here. If you research and look at the facts you will realize that they used language used by the real person this happened to. This is her story as she felt it in a very real way. This really happened to Angele and her baby Rowlan. A simple web search will prove it. In my "personal opinion" I think the previous reviewer has no idea what shes talking about when she makes remarks on what might have actually happened with the procedure done. I am a nurse and know what she wrote was far fetched and ridiculous!Watch for yourself and be horrified at what is actually happening to women and babies all over the world! No inhibition for the sake of political correctness. Simply sad to watch, but true, extremely moving!!!

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Overall arguments: 1)Lacked facts and didn't consider uncontrolled/unseen variables 2)Was very one-sided 3)To much gore 4)Tried to hard to scare usI watched this film with an open mind. I didn't want to judge it because it's purely a pro-life film. I wanted to judge it as I would any film. N' sadly it even failed at that.... The story is suppose to be based of a woman's testimony of the horrors she went through during an abortion. But it didn't strike terror into me. It just made me question the whole ordeal and the woman herself. There are so many scientific flaws to this film that made me wonder if her side was over exaggerated.My theory is that she had a bad reaction to the chemicals injected into her childs heart(I say this because the mothers blood is shared with the child through the umbilical cord). Causing her to bleed which ultimately cause her testosterone levels rise from the shock of the chemicals. This rise testosterone caused her to panic and bleed faster. I'm guessing they locked her in there afraid she'd attack them(because testosterone ups a persons rage and strength). They probably rejected help from the police because they were ganna call a ambulance from a nearby hospital. The child being alive could be a result from a underestimation of the childs size or the stress causing her to give birth prematurely. My overall views on this film are that I was quite disappointed. This film tries to persuade you through gore and a point of view that could have easily been disturbed through a varied amount of variables(Wow! That was a tongue twister!). I recommend that no one watch this film unless your terribly sadistic. It falls away from the point its trying to make, like its trying to hard to scare you into being pro-life. It's just to obvious, I can't give my respect to this film.

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