R | 04 December 2012 (USA)
12/12/12 Trailers

When baby Sebastian is born on 12/12/12 everyone around him starts to die. Soon, his mother realizes that her son is the spawn of Hell.


Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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So proud of myself to go through this movie. first 15' amazing but little bit lack later and what makes me vote this because the ending. are you kidding me this ending is crap of the crap. feel so sorry for good actors and actress in this movie.

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There is not much to be said about this movie apart from the fact that it's absolutely terrible. It has a weak plot, terrible acting, horrible effects and it makes no sense.The scenes in the hospital are so badly acted and the reaction of the few main characters are to be laughed at. The lack of reaction from other characters is even more laughable. After a doctor and a nurse are killed (by the demon baby) at the hospital no one seems terribly concerned. The main character is walking around a few days after giving birth through a Cesarean.As for the story and dialogue… you might as well watch this on mute given how bad the lines and their delivery are. The characters mostly look disinterested as if nothing out of the ordinary is going on. This should definitely be avoided. There are so many better horror movies out there like Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, Paranormal Activity, Insidious and many, many others. Even a relatively bad horror movie is better than this.

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I thought this movie, because it was in theaters, was going to be alright. I was WRONG! acting was TERRIBLE and the special effects (where are those) are awful. I think I would've left the theater if I was seeing it there. i'd have gotten my money back. of course I was watching it for free so I tried to watch more of the movie. couldn't do it. In the first five minutes, you want to turn the movie off. The birth of the child was drawn out and the baby killing the nurse and doctor left you going, what kind of movie is this? I'm highly surprised that this movie WAS in theater because of how bad it was. I am left wondering, what kind of box office money this movie made, not including the people who wanted their money back. Please don't waste your time/money. Don't bother watching this B-type movie. (unless those movies are awesome to you)

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While I was admittedly not expecting much from 12/12/12 the DVD cover was really advertising, so I thought to myself this could be a worthwhile watch overall. Unfortunately, 12/12/12 is anything but, only the fact that some of the actors are genuine eye-candy comes close to a saving grace and that is not enough to save a movie. The movie looks cheap, it is dully lit and choppily shot but it was the ugly and unfinished-looking special effects that really cheapened 12/12/12 from a visual front. Any attempts of atmosphere are hindered completely by bizarre sound effects and overbearing scoring. You are also laughing out loud at the utter stupidity of the dialogue, the lines themselves are horrendously bad and very awkwardly delivered. The story is the biggest failing, pedestrian, utterly predictable from each frame to the next, too many ridiculous and unbelievable moments to list and a complete lack of suspense are what basically sums up the story of 12/12/12. The characters are lifeless cardboard cut-outs that you learn nothing about, the baby especially is creepy and actually in an annoying way than to anything else. The direction is flat and amateurish, and the acting from all involved is so poor that it's beyond description. Overall, terrible on all levels. And I've learnt a valuable lesson, like not judging the quality of a movie by its trailer I've learned not to assume that a great DVD cover equals a good movie. It doesn't. 1/10(I am tempted to go lower if I was allowed, but as I'm feeling generous today I'll let it stay put for now) Bethany Cox

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